Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Off Road

I'm thinking of doing an off road duelthlon in June. The runs on trail should be super easy for me but it is the bike that causes some worries.....
The ride is 18km long. On the road that should take me around 39-40min. So I'm thinking on trail that would be one hour at least. And we also have the problem of a mountain bike... I don't have one. I can use Luke's- it is a little big and I don't have pedals for it, I could switch out my pedals Can you even use road pedals/shoes on MTN bikes, Or is there a whole other system? As well I don't have any actual Mtn biking skills, but it should be that hard, right?

I am going to play the rest of my races this week so I can get the time off work. Of course, with me.. races tend to be added.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You can put road pedals on a mountain bike as long as they're compatible. There are a few brands that are funky sizes but most are interchangeable. If you don't have a pedal wrench, (super highly recommended) you could use a 15mm wrench in a fix. Oh, and remember your lube when threading them on.

If you don't want to remove your pedals, you could just add cages if Luke currently has flat pedals. I use cages on my fixie and although they're not quite the same as clips, I really like them.

No advice for mountain biking skills as I've never done it. You may want to get some practise if Blue Mountain offers classes.