Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bible

Anne and I plan on reading the whole Bible this year. I started it with a couple of guys I meet with every week and Anne decided to follow suit.
Primarily we are going though The Message version, but I flip between that and I my study NIV  as it has notes and stuff to add context that the message doesn't have.

Hopefully we can keep it up over the year. The kids are also finding it interesting and ask us questions as we go though. We are only in Exodus right now, but i have learned a lot more than I though I would at this point.

I am also surprised at how readable the iPhone 4 is as a sort of e-book.

1 comment:

jeanettedianne said...

i've been reading the bible on my phone during my lunch breaks and find it also very readable. I have a bible app on my phone. I am also trying to read the bible in total before the year is out. i am enjoying it much more than i thought i would!!