Sunday, January 30, 2011


This post isn't about Maya skating, it is about her skiing, I just don't have a faltering photo of her skiing.

We, meaning I have decided that we are not going to do the downhill ski sport with the kids as cross country skiing is simply more accessible. There are more places to ski locally and equipment is slightly cheaper. With Maya we have the co-ordination factor. As in she has none, so if we had started her downhill I'm sure she would be dead by now. But all that isn't the point of my post.

The point of my post is that being with Maya learning to ski is an investment in time. In the future I want to be able to spend all day skiing as a family, but that requires putting in the time now for harvesting in ten years.

She is trying her best, and she is making fabulous progress in skill and speed but regardless it is slow, slow, slow. She is skiing her little heart out wearing a t-shirt, coat and snow pants. My heart rate is below 60, I am wearing three layers on the bottom, five on top and I am freezing to death. I am getting anxious about making it back to the car before night fall and my fingers falling off from frost bite. Maya is just getting frustrated from the hills but being positive- despite not actually liking the forest. I am being super encouraging and making all sorts of bargains with her just so she will ski faster with out letting her know just how miserable I am. Part of the problem is that I totally over estimate what she can do vs what I do....and I am not even that fast!
That being said, to make the investment a little more enjoyable on both ends, I think she is getting a lesson from a complete stranger,
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1 comment:

robi ayles said...

Getting a stranger to teach her is a good idea. My dad managed to turn me off cross country skiing for years because I couldn't keep up with him. It made me not want to do it because I knew I was 'letting him down' but I couldn't go any faster. If you can get her to enjoy it while getting good at it she'll probably want to do it more down the road.