Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CSA Time

Our CSA has been going strong now for three weeks. It actually started a week early due to the great beginnings of spring. Do not ask me what made it great spring cause I do not know. I can not grow things to save my life. Literally I could not grow food if our survial depended upon it, thankfully there are farmers, and I am the person who is committed to buying.

This week we got:
-Head of leaf lettuce
-Salad greens
-Spring turnips
-Shell Peas
-Snap peas
-Green Onions
-Garlic tops

One of my new places to go for dinner recipes is Foodgawker. Just makes you want to cook.

1 comment:

robi ayles said...

Yumm! I wanted to join but I think I need to share with someone, maybe too much greens for one gal who is not home a lot.