Sunday, May 31, 2009

Milton Crap- o- Rama Duelathon

Ok OK OK I know I am suppose to be all positive and say I was just going out there for fun, just to see where my fitness is at, who cares about the results blah blah blah but really I didn't think I would do that BAD.

This morning I left my house at 6:18am to get to the Kelso Conservation Area before the roads closed at 8:30 for my race which was to start at 10am. Great drive down, wasn't nervous, ate breakfast while driving, not sleepy at all. Got a little nervous when all saw all the talent...basically all the cool bikes- mainly Cervelos. Little nervous when all saw the many Duelathlon racks. Not at all nervous at the start line.. Just didn't think there was a tremendous amount of competition... WRONG. Had a decent first run- wanted around 4:30km and was 4:43km- still good enough for third woman into transition. First transition was nothing special- need to work on them.. Managed to clip in ok at the mount line without out fault- which is a victory. Then onto the bike course... wish I could say something nice about it.. nope only many in fact it calls for bullets.

  • The wind- 47km/hr.
  • The COLD wind.
  • Riding up the 6th line hill- against the wind.
  • Dropping my chain, having to get off and reset it as it get jammed and just can't put it on while still riding.
  • Having to walk up a hill after dropping said chain cause I know I wouldn't be able to clip in on the hill.
  • People on ridding on the right. On the rare occasion that I could pass a mountain bike, or an 80 year old man, I couldn't do quick enough.
  • The 6th line hill, with the wind at my back and ridding my brakes down the entire thing. Some people told me they reached 75km/hr going down. Wasn't worth it to me going that fast and crashing.
  • Lack of bike computer.. I swear every time Luke touches my bike he disrupts it.
  • SOOO many people passing me, the entire ride.
  • Even when I felt I had a grove going.. Passed again.
  • And the worst of all.. my time 26km hour. I might have been out there on a trike. 100/139- Numbers don't lie- I completely sucked up the bike.

So I finninaly made back to T2- people are already finishing- How bad is that? Go to rack my bike and my spot is gone. Crap quickly look around for a place to rack and in the process knock over one of those shinny P3 Cervelos. Opps- waste more time picking it up. Figure might as well do a clothing change and take off my long sleeve. First time using a race belt. Actually really like it- don't know why i resist it. My goal for the secondrun was 5min km and not to be passed- by anybody. Let a few men pass, but mostly did the passing, but by that point the only people left on the course were drawing the pension so that was simple.

Over all, I wanted to do it in 1:50 and failed miserly. 1:59. I have never done soo poorly, so off where I thought I could do. I didn't even stay for door prises. I mulled and fumed for the whole two hour drive home. I guess God thought I needed some humbling. I will be off to go weep silently in the corner.

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