Friday, May 21, 2010


The grocery store had 'local' asparagus on sale. Really who knows where it came from, at least it had a foodland Ontario tag, but I digress. I bought a ton much to the amusement of all shopping. 'What are you going to do with all that asparagus??? To let the world know- I froze it. Asparagus soup in January anybody?

On Tuesday night we had roasted chicken, quinoa, steamed asparagus, and apple pie for desert. I didn't make the pie, it was a fundraiser fro a couple going to Honduras.

On Thursday night we had Chicken pot pie. The roasting pan has the chicken for the pot. The red casserole has the veggies, and the sliver pot has the cream sauce i made- ready to be all mixed together and topped with a pastry crust. Posted by Picasa


Rachel said...


Erika Mills said...

Even I think that looks good!!