Sunday, February 07, 2010

Naughty Boy

One of the children's favorite games is to move the little table into the living room, move the cushion in front of it and jump off the table on to the mat.

There is a rule that in our house anything that I like gets broken. There are countless examples.

Do you see where this is going?? I asked Luke not to jump, I said he has broken other things by jumping ie. Our blanket box which remain unfixed.

He jumped. He broke the 35 year old table my siblings and I played with. He broke the table I lovingly refinished for my children. He broke the table.

I really do not know why he is smiling.

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robi ayles said...

At least the kids look sad about it. Did he get a time out?

The Gentile Rabbi said...

Spank him.

The Gentile Rabbi said...

Spank him good!