Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Cost of a Date

So dinner and a movie isn't really our thing, and really how is watching a movie at all interactive, and in fact it is IN- ACTIVE, and since everything in this house has to be active, last night Luke and I went skiing.
The last time we had been skiing was five years ago, how sad is that. For us to go skiing we had to pay for:
- My skis to be sharpened and waxed.
- The gas to get to/from Blue Mountain.
- Lift tickets
- Little plastic thingies for the end of Luke's poles. Little racket BM has going there I tell you.
- Junk food at Macs on the way home.

Grand Total.....I don't want to know. Is it worth it....well going once every five years doesn't do alot for my form, and comfort of flying down the hill. Apparently Luke's boots have gotten smaller, and although It was nice to spend time together, it was cold. Especially on the south side- which is where I like to ski best. Verdict- Undecided.

1 comment:

Brock said...

Little plastic thingies? WTH?

I still spit in the general direction of Blue Mountain. I've skiied on that hill about 2-3 times and it is probably one of my least favourite hills ever. I can stand a crappy little hill that knows it's a crappy little hill. I can't stand a crappy medium sized hill that thinks it's the Swiss Alps.