Thursday, July 26, 2012

What my Mother taught me...

Ok lets be honest, my mother is a terrible cook,  but she always put a tremendous effort in to her endeavors when taking a dish to a potluck. She agonized over what to bring and made her best homemade effort. Even if the food didn't taste the best at least I knew she tried her best. As in all of my lessons learned from my mother it was subtle but into adult-hood I went knowing that only those who took store bought items to a potluck where not those who dressed for success. Everybody has a busy life but sometimes you need to put your best food forward.

The photo is a random dinner of glazed carrots and cabbage turnovers- do not recall if I have posted it previously.
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1 comment:

Janice said...

I regularly buy from the store for potluck. In our parents age, the store didn't have so many pre-made, delicious items. Grants makes some wonderful dishes with quinoa, lentils, etc. My mom didn't have that option. know me. Do I seem like the "dress for success" type? I've never dressed for success. I barely dress for civilization. I simply don't cook and don't enjoy trying. Would rather get outside and bike or run!