Thursday, July 26, 2012

5peaks Duntroon

As this is my year of no commitment I did a race from the other trail series- 5peaks.
Went to register about 20minites to late for online registration and was screwed over for 10bucks. Cursed are the people who like to make last minute decisions.

Did the Duntroon Endro which means 12ish k. Which means not long enough for my liking. I actually liked the course and think it would make a great venue for a ouser race. Cause I have decided that's what I like. WHY??
- Food- most but not all,  ouser races pride themselves on feeding runners. Sorry bowls of bagels and fruit cut up do not do it for me. I am partial to a meal. Even the crappy bagged lunch that I hate from Hailburton is better. 

-So it is a short race and you don't deserve a meal says the race organizers in my head. I say make the race longer. My point... too short. Instead of two loops make it four. The infrastructure is there already, use it.

- No headphones. This would be fine if it was longer cause then I would be going slower then I could talk to people to entertain my ADD brain. So I kinda cheated and put my shuffle in my bra on maximum volume and heard snippets of songs here and there. Now don't give me that crap about needing to concentrate on the trail and being aware of other runners and wildlife. etc. blah blah blah. Seriously we drive tremendously faster than we run and  most people can concentrate on the road and the radio at the same time. If it is considered un- friendly to use headphones then why I am the only one talking??? I am paying for the privilege to be on the course, I should be able to enjoy it.

-Individual feel. Every race in the ouser series has its own personal branding, feel, and mythology. Even though there are different venues 5peaks feels like I am at another Gap. You know one with port-a potties and water crossings.

Soo perhaps why I am so negative is the fact I had a awful race. You know the heat wave that Ontario has had? You know how I am a better cold weather runner. Yep both of those do not mix. Have been doing alot more cycling than I ever have- but despite the clams that cycling helps ones running, apparently that does not ring true for me.
The race starts on a uphill, and due to my overly tight hamstrings , yah it wasn't pretty.  Most of the two loop course was great wonderful single track which was a joy to run on. But the course was dry dry dry. There were a few sections of double track which I find really mentally draining.  Mud would have made it tremendously funner.
Did the course around 1:09. Or 5:48ks... which I am better than that. Sucks that I have not been run training and thus this disaster of a race happens. Didn't even win a door prize.

1 comment:

West Grey Runner said...

Beer , you need more Beer!