Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our car is too getto for Afriican lions safari and other sadness.

Typically summer Canadian family goes to African lios safari for a day trip, tries to go for a little drive though to see the animals. Not so typical in the fact we were turned back.
See we thought we were doing a good thing. Bringing the car that already had body pieces missing. No worries about scratches and dents from the animals we thought. Nope seems it was too rough of shape, the windshield is cracked in two places. Thus the safari earned $20 more dollars from us for the bus. Not that I am complaining- it is a safety issue. Here were some pros, the driver of the bus knew all the insider knowledge that we would have not gotten in a car. Who cares if the buses get scratched and banged up  when the driver positions the bus to bloke the path of a rino it is just another photo opportunity. If we had been in our car we would have gone right pass those massive beasts.
The other sadness involves the boy. the boy who does not grow, the boy still wearing size 24m pants, the boy who is 35inches tall. The boy was refused entry onto the water slide tower thing. His sister could go, two years could go, kids in diapers taking a break from nursing could go, but our almost 4year old was left crying. We tried to talk to the person in charge about genetics and physical fitness and his ability pop wheelies on his two wheeler. We lost, and he cried and cried. The thing is I am not going to put my kid in a dangerous situation, height restrictions are great for rides. Mostly I am angry because I paid the same entry fee for Ever as I did Maya and Ever did not enjoy the same privages as her because of genetics.
Oh and afterwards we went to Old Navy for the growing members of the family- Maya and Luke and again we had to explain to him that when he grows he gets new clothes.
Anybody got any growth hormone?

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