Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Drinking at 8am and running the Dirty Girls

I heard about this race way back in the winter, how it was to be a 12hour night race. Night as in, in summer when it would be cooler. I all but signed up then. Of course I procrastinate so I didn't do it. THEN I got the goal of the OUSER short course races so I decided I would pass on it and just do the 30k. THEN the summer schedule came out. Two nights prior to the race.... the decision was made there. I was doing the 12hour.

So back to my short course goal this year. Yep so that meant no super long stuff so really I felt I was trained for 6hours and not so much 12hours. But really that's ok cause I know I can walk for 12hours, so I felt it was all good.

Now I am running. Some people have plans before they start. Me, not so much. My plan on the fly was to do what felt like easy efforts the entire thing. Obviously that means each lap is slower than the last. I'm all good with that.

And now it gets kinda hazy. I really zone out. There isn't alot of intelligent thoughts, just intense bargaining. So we go back to my old favorite- Bullets.

-Another reason I know I'm getting fat is chafing. I have never had chafing like I have had this year. If it was not for Alana's Bodyglyde ( mine went missing) and medicated gold bond, I would have had to stop at 30k.
-There was some darkness when I realised that I would not be hitting 55k on the next lap while I was 35k mark. Just like in nursing you shouldn't do math after midnight while running.
-I was just so intently hot. I did a complete clothes change at 30k cause I was just so sweaty. I just usually don't sweat so much.
-When I was in labour with Maya in the back of my mind I kept on thinking maybe something will go wrong so we can go to the hospital and I can get some drugs. Thus while running in the back of my mind I thought maybe something will go wrong so I can quit and then get some drugs.
- Kept on thinking ...should have trained for this.
- My runny nose magically cleared up after the race.
-I think I could have benefited from some gels but I was going with the real food system.
-I really thought I would be fine during the night. Thanks to those night shifts I thought it would be easy. Battled some real fatigue from 12-3am. I also just felt dragged down by the darkness which I totally was not expecting.
-I think I have learned I am just not that into loops.
- Did 65k. Pretty sure I could have focused and got 70k in. Or at least 67k. Again I will never be happy.
- Was moderately stiff and sore on Sunday. Monday/ Tuesday are surprising fine.Like I could be running fine, but I am kinda busy working on my wine drinking.

All in all it was a good night, and really do I do like running cause why else would I do?? Right??

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1 comment:

Doonst! said...

ya did good! (better you than me)