Sunday, July 17, 2011

Limberlost 2011

Another little trail race in the blistering heat. I say little cause I only did the 28k not the crazy insane 56k- not cause the distance is crazy but the heat was intense.

I have been thinking alot about how hard I don't push it in races. How most of the time I am content to say I pushed it but really I don't think I did. I have excesses of why but really I think it comes down do I just don't want to. I think I have really got to want it to push it. BUT to get that point I have to had failures to focus on how I don't want to be feeling at the end of a race. I also need to focus on how good it feels to do well. How I love to tell Luke how good I did. Actually I fear his disappointment most of all.

So I didn't know how I was going to at Limberlost. I am soo not a hot weather runner. My thoughts were simply survival. I knew the winner from last year was coming back and I saw somebody at the start line who beat me at PYP .
So I'm running along about 3k in and I am in 3rd position and I remember Sheldon from running mania describing his race from last year and what his 14k splits were so my first goal was to beat his 1:32 for the first lap. I did it in 1:24. Meanwhile I had attached myself to a man in a blue shirt. Almost literally, when we went up hills I was 5inches from his behind. His clothing had been freshly laundered. My eyes were firmly on is ankles. When he drank water from his bottles so did I. He didn't stop at the aid station so he kept the pace and I caught up to him. Thus during the second lap my goal was to stay attached to my new friend Chris.... and a three hour finishing time. Did it in 3:02:25. Very pleased about it. A interesting highlight was the fact I used four gels. I felt fine which is great. I just know if I don't take in calories I fade. At Hailburtion I used all the fuel I had brought and the aid stations were far apart and I checked my belt several times looking for something so I know I need it..even if it is just physiological.

Great post- race meal.. like MEAL with salads, fruits and grilled chicken. And what made the day was on the drive out to the highway we saw a big black bear run across the highway. Anyrace where I we wildlife bigger than a dog wins!

This race was not without its drama, and I actually managed to get a woman disqualified. But I don't think thats a story for the blog cause I think the race directors handled it very well. Give me some wine and I will talk.
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West Grey Runner said...

When I saw you finishing loop 1 it sure looked like your were giving it 100%! As far as the DQ goes I know who and why! If you go off course in a trail race you can still complete the race by going back to where you went off course not by doing extra laps on a gravel road!

Doonst! said...

No real names please!
Thats's a really good time AE.