Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Back To School

Posted by PicasaAt the end of the school year in June Maya came home with a list of supplies she would require in grade one. Of course we promptly forgot about it until I realized perhaps she should send her back with more then a smile.
The list included such gems as a water bottle, and pencil sharpers (2). In MY day we went to the water fountain for a drink, and every classroom had a sharpener. Now I know schools can't provide everything, but come on water? A sharpener? So I called the school to enquire, perhaps I could donate a sharpener for the classroom I thought. No, the rationale for water bottles and sharpeners?? So the kids didn't have to get up!!!!! Umm perhaps this is why ADD is sky rocketing, perhaps this is why kids are getting fatter and fatter, and soon they will have DVTs from immobility. Seriously I'm surprised all the children do not sores on their bums from sitting.
On another note, she was also requested to have two plastic pencil boxes- in fact was given specific measures of said boxes required. Can we say dictatorship? Thus I did not spend my $2 at the dollar store for a plastic box produced in china that is sure to have broken hinges by Christmas. The pencil crayon roll contains coloured pencils from MY school years. The pencil case- three pencils, a pair of sizzers, a glue stick, and a eraser. That's it. That's all. I made the cases from scraps- cost $o.

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