Monday, June 15, 2009


After battling with myself about buying one, dreaming about the consequences of not having one, being preached to against purchasing one, I BOUGHT one.

From the proceeds of our garage sale I was able to get a 2008 Orca Equip wetsuit. This is an entry level wetsuit. The tipping point was hearing the price.. 30% for new could not be beat, especially locally. Amazingly the last in my size, fits great, not uncomfortable at all. Amazing how it feels in the water. Impossible to drown. Gives me a whole new level of confidence. However open water is definitely different from the pool. I have come to depend on the wall for that split second break, so the continuously swimming is going to need some work.

So why do I need a wetsuit? This duel athlete would eventually like to become the occasional triathlete. In fact my long term goal is to complete an ironman. Long in four years before I can even think about training. I'm in a building stage at present, just having fun, learning.

It is really a relief to have that last big purchase out of the way...except for new shoes in July, maybe some tri shorts that fit, oh.. and a treadmill.

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