Friday, April 03, 2009


Growing up I was the furthest from popular one could be. Definitely uncool. Now I think it was one of those life experiences that made me who I am today..but if I choice...YES I would have loved to be popular. One who was always chosen first for groups, who got invited to all the parties and never had to worry about who would be my partner.
Imagine my utter sadness when Maya started crying the other night about how she was not invited to one of her classmates birthday party's..and many of the other little girls were. Now to be fair, Maya is not friends with this girl, she never talks about her, has never done any activities with her, and I think they have even had minor spats in the classroom Of course all Maya could think about was how she was excluded from the fun. I tried to console her by explaining there would be other parties, how she has better friends, but mostly I just held her while she cried and I tried not to cry myself.
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