Monday, September 17, 2007

The Wait

So there is a lot of waiting going on 'round these parts.
We are still waiting for Anne to have the baby. Still no labour, still not dropped, still not nothing *sigh*
Also waiting for Kathie, Anne's sister who is visiting for the birth, to sudden go berserk from the boredom of waiting for Anne and do something crazy. How crazy? I don't know, but Kathie crazy would probably be something like flipping out and dying her hair blond or something like that. Truely frightening.
And then, as of this evening, will be waiting for my Xbox 360 to get repaired as it Red Ringed and off it goes.

But if anything, the baby should definitely peek its head out this week sometime for sure (of course I've been saying that to people for the past 3 weeks :)

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