Friday, September 28, 2007

It's a Boy!!

So apparently the castor oil worked this time and we have a new little soul in our house.
At 4:44pm today a little boy showed up with the cord wrapped around his neck twice. Once they got that sorted out everything was fine. He is 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 52 cm in length.
He has been looking around a fair bit and is very interested in nipples. Anne and the baby are doing fine.

So the midwives have gone and Anne, Maya, the baby, and myself are sitting in bed eating.

No we have not picked name yet, it will probably be a week or two. It took that long for Maya's name.

Looking at him now is far less scare than it was when Maya arrived. What is much more scare is foreknowledge of the mountains of diapers. :P

In related news, today Anne pushed a 7 and a quarter pound thing out of her vagina today. Ouch!! :(

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