Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am rather fond of going off the beaten path, I usually try to respect property lines...but sometimes a old tractor trail is just too temping... and I do not think too many people care.
I am not destructive, I am not tearing up any land with a ATV, I'm quiet and the worst I will do on your property is pee.

Yesterday while out on my long run I got caught trespassing. It was an area just south of Walkerton which I thought was owned by the Saugeen conservation authority. Apparently not.
I had already gone 28k and was reaching my limit there would be no backtracking, the path was over grown and I just could not stick close to the river. Earlier in the year I had gone along this area and had no trouble. Not this time. There was a new barbed wire fence I had to cross to get out to the main road.... and the owner of the property caught sight of me before I caught sight of him. There was no turning back and he was not happy.

I tried being very respectful, usually a woman alone has more to fear then being feared. I told him my name( in retrospect I should have given him a name that is close but not quite), apologised, explained that I was tired and could not backtrack, and honestly thought no harm done.

Well Mr. Angry was not listening. Apparently he is a business owner and his business requires please and quiet- a B and B. I was a ignorant person and asked repeatedly if I was connected to the high school of which he was a teacher at. Repeatedly I apologised- I knew I was trespassing and was sorry, and advised him over and over I had nothing to do with the high school. Did he think I looked 18?? I manged to slip away with out being assaulted and without a criminal record.

I still think if I would have stayed close to the river I would have been fine and I have contacted the conservation authority so I will have a better understanding of property lines.....I am trying to think vengeance is for the lord, but ohhh how easy a smear campaign would be.

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