Friday, September 03, 2010

Back to School

Tonight I am reading the paper, glancing at the want adds cause you will never know what you will find and I note this ad.

Umm isn't that Maya's school, umm her grade, ahhhh should they not have attended to this sooner than September 1st... I mean doesn't school start TUESDAY?

Definitely total crap. Although Maya told me today that you are not allowed to be in a splint class two years in a row. Sometimes I doult her sources.


Anonymous said...

I've never heard about the not being in a split class 2 years in a row thing...I checked Garrett's school's website this afternoon and the classes are almost all split classes. I think it has to do with the maximum 20 students per class thing in the junior grades. I was in a split class in grade 1, 2 & 4 and then I moved to a new school in a bigger town that didn't have split classes.

I know lots of teachers in the Sarnia/London and Mississauga areas that are looking for work. there must not be too many in your area or the board would already have a list of people to offer the position to.


robi ayles said...

Ha! You'd think so, wouldn't you Julie. I am on the 'wait until we tell you where you'll be' French list for BWDSB (the board Maya's school is in) and I really don't get how it works. I am hoping this means someone with seniority takes the full time position and leaves me a part time one so I can at least get a pied in the porte! Not great for Maya however, I hope for her sake too that someone experienced gets in there quickly who can hit the ground running!

Anne said...

Did you apply for this postion R? I know your french isn't where you want it to be but at least you try hard... and are smart... and are dedicated.

Erika Mills said...


One word: Homeschool.

Luke said...

Sorry Erika, I don't think I want Anne teaching our kids. They could be scarred for life. lol

I don't think it would be safe for me either. too jaded.

Anne said...

Home schooled... as in your home?lol