Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Birthday Math

This month is Ever's birthday (28th) and Mine (15th)

So I'll be 33 and Ever will be 3.
Its the 9th month (3 squared) and the 15th day is 3 x 5. AND 2010 is 3 * 670
Also, 28 divided by 3 is 9.333333333333333 !

It was just meant to be I tell you.


The Gentile Rabbi said...

Happy b-day my friend.

Here's some spooky math:

You were born in 1977. The square root of that number is 44.46346815083142.

That's your age in 11 years! It gets even weirder because in 11 years Maya will be in grade 13 (the victory lap).

And you know how much you like rally car racing. So...

Wow. Isn't that scary? I'm glad you only turn 33 once.

Luke said...

lol, spooky indeed

thanks bud.