Monday, August 09, 2010

Run For Youth 2010

This race into its third year has provided me with two previous third place finishes in the 10k distance. To allow somebody else the joy of third, and frankly because I am sick to death of third place, I decided to shake things up a bit this year and do the 5k stroller roll with Ever. I really meant to practice pushing the stroller and running but somehow that didn't out I went not having ran with the stroller in a couple of years. Race went by really fast.. it was only 5k after all. Should have seeded myself closer to the start line cause I was kinda jerky saying beep beep wising past people. Part of the race was on railway bed soooo it wasn't the smoothest ride for Ever but he didn't seem to mind.
At the end of the day Luke beat me doing 25:35 to my 26:35. Slightly ashamed.
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