It is always great to do well, do the best you can and be rewarded by placing well or even winning in a race. I personally love that feeling when I really didn't think I was capable of doing so, when I feel like I reached deep down and put everything I had into a race, left it all at the finish line. Alternatively, when I feel like it is a given I am going to do well it is not as much fun. Sure I have to go out there and try, but somehow I feel like I do not belong. That is how I felt at the Orillia Try a tri. Thus I knew my days of tri a tris were over. Hence, for my last multi sport race of the season I did the sprint triathlon at Lakeside. This race is part of the HSBC series, which some people don't seem to like for some reason. I noticed that there seems to be slightly younger crowd. The race is smaller in size, and the food different. More fruits but less substances, I like the product samples at Subaru. . There were chicken dog which the race director kept on going on about being healthily... does he realise that these genetically engineered chickens most likely were raised in factory farm settings being fed corn? Anyways, I did like the more intimate setting, great site for families. Could have used more washrooms, but so could any race site.
Going into the race I wasn't expecting the best, coming off nights, had swam once since Orillia, and have been getting out for rides less then once a week. I have been running so I was counting on my strength in that sport to carry me through. I expected around 1:20time, and again hopeful I would not drown.
We got to the race site really early as I thought it would take us alot longer to get there, which ended up being really great. Good parking spot, good spot on the racks and room to spread out my transition. I hate being rushed. Was rather chilly in the morning- Maya was rather upset I asked her to wear pants. Didn't bring enough clothes so got into my wetsuit to warm up. They said the water was 66, which is a nice temperature for swimming actually with a wetsuit. Did a few strokes just to loosen up. Watched the first wave go off and lined up far in the back. Was chatting with a girl about how bad we swim and then the air horn went off- where did that come from? Got kicked around a few times, but settled into a easy rhythm. Swim went really well for me- mostly because when I went around the last buoy I was facing west/ the sun and could not see anything along with my foggy goggles so I just settled in and swam. Went off course and almost hit a boat. Couldn't believe when my hand hit ground. By that point I was tired and did stop swimming and walked ran up to the shore. Luke said he didn't believe it was me- top 1/3 of my wave. Yippee!! Total time 600metre swim- 12:55
Bike was OK- I must remember to make sure my bike computer is working BEFORE a race, because once I am actually racing I can't get it going. Grrr would have liked the speed feed back. Obviously as I have put little into the bike- was not expecting alot back. Was passed by older men who would have started in the wave behind me in the swim and two women who I think were in my age category- they were off like a shot so I really had no chance of catching them. Played leap frog with a guy, got stuck behind a truck until the guy and I just started waving our arms to indicate we wanted to pass. Problem was with was on a down hill and we could have gained sped there as opposed to hitting our brakes. I think the truck may have actually been ridding along a participant because it was not moving grrrrr. Will somebody please remind me to work on mt dismount.. cause mine sucks. Second transition was hard. My feet were still numb from the run up from the water, my wetsuit were on top of my socks- thus I ended up putting on wet socks- with shaking hands.. I wasn't to cold so I have no idea why my hand were shaking. My T2 time sucked, could have taken at least 30seconds off- if I had remembered where my spot was. I think I was excited about the run so got a little stupid. hahah
Run was wonderful, not passed by anybody- male or female. Had soo much fun, chatted with a few guys who were telling me to slow down! Heard a few moans from girls when I passed and saw my age on my calf- those must have been the ones who passed me on the bike. All through the run I could not get over just how many females there were ahead of me. I knew the duelathetes would be in the mix but I completely forgot about the 20-29s starting ahead of me. Even when I finish Luke said he saw alot of females ahead of me- I actually thought I had a great personal race but didn't think I would place.
But my run saved me again- second fastest female pushed me into 3/27 in the 30-35 female. 61/264 Overall. 12/117 Female. I think. Very pleased with day, even without a medal... cause i'm getting really sick of third.