Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summer Solstice Trail Run 10km

The summer solstice trail run was held yesterday at Mono cliffs Provincial Park. The race was a fairly low key event, but it did have official timing. I think it benefited some active cause. It was to start at 7pm so I was duly all loose and warmed up, however at that point in time there was also a thunderstorm rolling through so it was halted half a hour. So after sitting in the car and eating cherries, it was decided the storm had passed so I basically went from the car to the starting line. I had learned my lesson after the 5 peaks race and seeded myself close to the start line, the race had interesting features like bagpipes on course, stairs, steep climbs, and switch backs that even the elites didn't run. It was a great challenging fun course that I pushed at the entire time. As it was after the rain I did get rather muddy and was rather surprised at the results.
I generally have a good idea time wise how I will do, but in competition it depends upon the crowd present. At races I look around at people and marvel at the amazing shape they are in, their cool running clothes and how confident they all seem. Thus when I cross the finish line and turn around to see who came in after me, I am amazed at how I managed to beat those people.
Overall I came in 22/54, female 4/23 thus third in my age category with a time of 59:03. Trail runs can not compare with road races time wise. The medal is this cool handcrafted sandstone, and I also won a door prise of a running hat which I really wanted.

Oh and that was on second 'race' of the day. In the morning I time trailed myself to see how fast I could do the bike course of the Kincardines woman's triathlon...30min- thus if I am to have any hope of doing well I have got to do some serious work... and be praying for a road bike.
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