Friday, April 13, 2012


Posted by PicasaThere is a saying in our family...

All cars want to kill you.

A simple way of expressing the sure danger that is an automobile to a cyclist- especially a cyclist that is the height of a bumper. My kids do not get it. They simply are not afraid. They do not see see the danger and I really do not know what it will take for them to fear cars.

I think I developed my fear growing up on a large farming operation, where large farm machinery by all means got the right of way. I was always on my own and didn't have another cyclist to mimic so I developed a healthy view of the rules of the road.
On the other hand, my kids have always rode in town. They mimic Luke and I who to them are fearless in traffic. People see Little Ever popping wheelies and give him a wide berth. When they fall on the ground crowds of people rush to their aid. So basically they think they are the centre of the universe.
Thus, I now see my job as a parent to make them realise they are but a speck. They need to realise that when they go down on a curb onto the road, crying needs to come second to.... GET OFF THE ROAD.

I am not the mean parent who will not  give my child comfort. I am yelling at them to get up off the road NOW cause I really don't care about the scraped elbows and the bruised knees. I am trying to prevent a car that didn't see them from hitting them.
I am trying to save a life.

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