Wednesday, April 11, 2012

34 on 34


For my annual run my age in kilometres.. I actually felt quit guilty.. perhaps I should be running it in miles.... but that didn't happen.
I ran from east to west around Owen Sound on the Bruce Trail. From the Sydenham Forest East to Jones falls. This was a reasonable selection to do except I have done around Harrison Park/ Inglis Falls countless times so the enthusiasm dripped quite low there. I saw exactly two other hikers, which is rather alot for a spring day. Awkward how the one gentleman caught me singing Single ladies. 
The route was surprising in the fact there were not alot of dramatic uphills- a few minor blips that I had to remind myself to hike. I mainly did my walking on the rocky- unrunable sections. I did manage to twist my ankle, the same one, twice and took a couple of falls.
Notice the birthday wrickles - of which Maya reminds me of on a daily basis. Due to her dislike of them I am sure she has a strong future in cosmetic surgery.

This section was really cool- in fact I wish I had more time just to explore around the trail. Really cool how the trail was directed between two rock faces- I think at km 77 of the Sydenham club.
This is on the east rocks where I realised I was making horrible time taking pictures and doing a ton of walking on rocks. Also, spring has felt sooo long this year. There has been such a long pause between snow on the ground and trees budding. Last year on my birthday the only trail I could do was exposed trail as the Bruce trail was still completely covered. However it was a slightly warmer day last year. When I finished this year I was cold- and come to think of it I was wearing more layers this year. Part of the problem is I now run with a pack and the sweat/ wetness just accumulates on my back which in turn makes me colder.
This is on the West Rocks on Owen Sound. The escarpment sits above West Hill High School. It is again another section that needs further exploring. Tons of cool flat sections which are a local party hangout. This area local ripe for animal sacrifice- thus warranted a picture.
You know at the bottom of the escarpment you see rocks on the ground and think they had to have fallen sometime. Always slightly worry that in cases like this my weight will be the straw that broke the camels back.

Good training day. I learned I need to wear easy up and down shorts for peeing vs. compression shorts, and I best take in food frequent small quantities and chocolate milk during perhaps isn't a good idea.
I still want to get a 50k in and maybe a eight hour day on my feet sometime before the 50miler. I should let my ankle heal as well.
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Doonst! said...

Happy birthday! Cool story and pics.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday my old friend! (and yes, feel free to tease me next month).

I admire your "run your age" tradition. I think this year I'll do Ha Ling peak (more of a steep hike than a scramble) because that seems like a lot less work than running 34 km. Maybe a 34 km bike ride followed by a glass of wine...

West Grey Runner said...

Cool run , great pictures ... a must do for me. Thanks for sharing.

PS , PYP or Seaton 50Ks ...bus leaves from Durham if you want a lift. I woudl receommend that you do both leading up to Sulpheu. I cant wait!

PS PS , you can to the Hanover 10k the weekend between teh two 50kers. Why trian when you cna race to train!