Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I like to refer to Wednesday night dinners as
junk food dinners. It is the night Ever has a sleep over so it is just Luke, Maya and I.
So we usually have junk food or go out.
Tonight as Maya has been needing some special love as of late- well since she was born we had one of her favorites- Nachos.
This is Maya's plate. The rule was she has to have something green and the beans- then she can have whatever else she want else.

Luke always forgets to put the green, and I have just noticed no beans. So basically Luke had nothing good tonight. I swear if I wasn't around to mother him he would be 400lbs.

Posted by PicasaI over loaded my plate so half is in the fridge for later.
I had
-Multi grain chips- I don't even like the plain white ones anymore. I need the Na in them.
-Pine river cheese
-Mexico out of season tomato's
-red peppers on sale
-saugeen country yogurt

Food thoughts
Tonight's dinner is the opposite of what I am about to say but...
Eat seasonally locally. Thus, think about the little label at the grocery store about where your food comes from. If you chose an Ontario apple over one produced in Washington State, you are keeping farmers in business at home. If you buy Pine river cheese or Gay lea butter, that farmer stays in business and has Luke service their computer. Spend the extra money if it local and ensure the farmer gets a fair price for their work. If you cherish Ontario strawberries in June they taste all the sweeter then. Don't try to eat strawberries in January- well unless they are from the freezer. Get to know what is in season locally when and ask at your local grocer for local produce. Or go direct to the farm. Learn about what keeps, and how to keep it. Join a winter CSA.

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