Saturday, February 18, 2012


I am kinda sad that nobody comments on my blog, and that I have to work nights, and that I have been awake for three hours and the most I have accomplished is I got my comfy clothes on. Even my dinner was made by Maya playing cafe. I am sad that I want nice wine but I am too lazy to go to the liquor store, and doing exercise requires movement, and that I forgot my Domino's at work, and that this house is messy, and everybody makes to much noise, and that people don't update their twitter/facebook accounts enough to entertain me, and that I am materialistic enough to want to spend a day shopping in the city, and that my retirement savings is pathetic, and that I never travel anywhere, and that I don't run enough, and that I hate the Hanover pool hours, and that people pooh too much, and that I am too lazy to do toning exercises, and that my ankles are chronically swollen, and that I want to go skiing, and my daughter never wants to do anything i like to do, and that my hands are so cold all the time my iphone doesn't detect them, and that the only person in this house who can cook with anything other than carbs is me, and that I wake up feeling like this.

The only thing that would help would be to own this pinball machine.

We went to the pinball museum in Vegas and reminded me I want one.

The real problem is the working too many nights in a row.

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Janice said...

Are you premenstrual? You sound like I usually feel when PMS-ing. Also...I regularly comment on your blog! Get off your buns and go for a run girl. My hips ache every day, even when I sleep. I'm slow and will never be fast like you. I need to lose 15 lbs and despite following weight watchers, can't. But I'm not moaning today. The sun is shining and I'm heading outdoors for my run despite having a headache and cold. Tomorrow I'm hitting the slopes at Blue on my board. Life is good. Embrace it. To hell with messy houses!

Meghan said...

Well, I can help with the not commenting enough, because I do read all the entries. And when I'm home in the summer I can definitely help with the messy house, and with the cooking something non-carb replete... I do owe you guys 2 hrs. However, I am part of the above-stated problems: I definitely pooh too much.

Angie and Bodo said...

Oh man, you are funny! Pinball machine, really? It may help to warm up your hands, though...sounds like you need to restock the crunch n munch cupboard!

Anonymous said...

My diagnosis: Seasonal Affective Disorder
The Cure: Fly south

West Grey Runner said...

Can I have some?

Anonymous said...

You are too funny. Definitely the post nights fog. Way worse than any PMS and worse because you get it whenever you work nights, which is way more often than you get your period Bud likes the no recipie, big mess cooking. I hat the no cooking big clean up end of the deal. Does sound like you need a load of carbs and sunshine A pinball machine? Really? Then you'd have to scold Maya, Luke and Ever when they make it tilt. And since when did you start working so much? You used to be able to way no with impunity.

Twwly said...

I hear Hanover pool is amazing! What is funny about the hours?

Kincardine's pool is pathetic....

Rachel said...

i comment but tend to read several months of blogging all in one sitting.