Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I think I have come to the end of rope.

I am asked constantly how I have time to run? Do I have a good babysitter so I can run? Usually I just say it a challenge but I manage.

Then for some reason woman often share with me how they could never run because their husbands would not be supportive. How their husbands are not home enough. Basically how the mother is the single person responsible for the care of the children.

I am sick of hearing this, so sick I am ready to snap.
Soon I fear I will be advising woman to leave their husbands. Really, would they be any worse off?

While I am complaining... Rather frustrating how some men who are sharing the childing raising yet society is not willing to accommodate their participation. For example, a father may not participate in dance preparations, but would a mother not be allowed into a hockey change room?

Any nasty comments will be deleted, this is my blog and I will say what I want. Get your own blog if you disagree.


Anonymous said...

I don't have time to do a lot of things...not because my husband doesn't help with the kids but because he works shift work and is not around most weekends and evenings when I would have time to do those things. I could pay a babysitter but I don't have a lot of extra money either...and that would just add to the guilt I already have for not spending enough time with my kids.


Erika Mills said...

Lol, how is it that I am just reading this now?

I like you.

This sounds cranky.

You're an S not an N, definitely an S, tee-hee.

I'd like to hear Luke's thoughts now...

Luke said...

Julie, I think Anne is just frustrated at when husbands go out to do fun stuff and leave the kids with the wife. Either on a regular or semi regular business. It its because he is working and providing, that's entirely different. As long as you communicate things and are okay with that. Great!

Anne and I both do a lot of things. In the winter, I play hockey twice a week and futsal once a week. Anne runs/bikes/swims whenever she can. This is her passion, talent and ministry. I totally support her and love to see her do well and win a medal and beat personal bests. I get a huge rush out of it too. Plus it keeps me fit when I help her train and she pushes me to get involved as well.
Does it mean I don't get out with my friends and have to miss other things sometimes. Yes, and thats fine with me. I am doing this with my best friend.

But what drives Anne nuts is families where its totally one sided and only one person ever goes out to do stuff, is not home very often and the other is stuck with the kids 90% of the time. There are lots of families like this. For a few, it works and they are fine with it. But there are also lots that end in divorce. And we are seeing so much of that lately.

Luke said...

Actually, I wonder if part of this post if fueled by the sadness of the number of friends and others we know who have ended their marriages in the last year or 2??

Erika Mills said...

Mmm, good thoughts. I think that warrants another post on your front page Luke!