Monday, September 21, 2015


If something is going to happen to anybody, it is going to happen to me. Frankly I am surprised that I have not been struck by lightening.

Saturday, there was a gathering on the peninsula so of course I did not attend the gathering but brought along my bike to ride cause it is flat there, and I need I the flat I can get to prepare for beach to battleship.
Was having a lovely time, great decent down the escarpment at Big Bay, went wide around a curve to avoid a puddle and hit the edge of the road fell hard.
I think I possibly did a one 180 as I felt the bike spin around me, with my feet still attached.  I had took the impact to my head and my left shoulder. Didn't loss consciousness, and surprisingly did not crack my helmet.
As nobody stopped to make sure I was ok, rode back into Wiarton. Perhaps a little nauseous and defiantly sore.
As I was working ER that night registered myself for ER and got some drugs to make it through the night. Continue to be sore and nervous about swimming.


West Grey Runner said...

Sorry to hear that Anne. Shame on those who observed what happened and didn't stop!

Take care and heal up.

Blogworthy? said...

you still need to replace your helmet if it took a hit, is what I understand.