Sunday, April 22, 2012


When I was a teenager I seemed to care a lot about about what other people thought, thank goodness I have out grown that stage. One of my many irrational fears was that while being alone with my niece and nephew out in public I would be mistaken for their mother. It would have  meant I was a teen mother. It would have meant I had  sexual relations with a man of whom I had  not been joined in marriage, it would have meant I was a female of loosened petticoats.... hence I was reluctant to be alone with those darling children in public and be left to face the shame of others.

Move it forward college age level years and....

Somebody at work was saying that any adult she sees riding a beater bike in town is automatically assumed to have received a DUI and is basically on the lowest rungs of the socially acceptable ladder.

Guess I should just hand in my productive member of society card now eh.


Luke said...

You can loosen your petticoats anytime for me!
Wait.... do you even own a petticoat!!

Doonst! said...

I got friends in low places