Monday, January 04, 2010

The Totally Expected New Years Post

Again the same old goals, dreams ambitions that I try to do every year. Mostly I fail but very occasionally there are some small victories.
Before I list them lets re-visit some previous resolutions and see how I am doing.

I resolve to exercise more, Umm I think I got this one covered. however I need to get my pelvic floor in shape first. Well I'm told that I will have to work on this for the rest of my life. Also I want to do more crafty things but due to the lack of creativity I need to work on inspiration first. I now see creativity is something that you are born with and is nurtured at a young age, so frankly it is too late for me now so I should stop stressing about it. Some simple goals include making a list of every book I read, Have a profile on Goodreads and am rather faithful about putting down what I have read. However I didn't start that until 2008. and to brush my teeth at least twice a day. I will have dentures by the time I am 40.

Official List Anne
Drink more H20. Develop larger bladder to hold it all as if not may have to take up permanent residence in the bathroom
Constant battle
Do more fun things with Maya Add Ever to that list now
Run a two hour half marathon
Down to 1:37
Pray more, Read bible more, Develop a more in depth relationship with God Ummmm yep gotta do some more work on that.
Keep track of running mileage Am doing now, but didn't start until October 2009- Bike and swim mileage in the book too.
Be more social Really who is reading this?

Complete my La Leche League leadership DONE
Be more organized I would be be nobody else in my house shares this goal.
Be less lazy
Drive less

  • Run a marathon. Qualify for Boston 2011.
  • Develop a master shopping list- would save many many trips to the store
  • Do some sort of strength training.
  • Stop wasting time surfing the Internet.
  • Pray more- make a list.
  • Have people to our home occationally.

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