Monday, March 31, 2008


I am reading Musicophilia by Dr. Oliver Sachs- a book about music and the brain. Franky, most of it is way over my head as it is about music. That is one subject that even if I work tremendously hard at I will never progress. I think it has something to do with my having no sense of rhythm and being tone deaf. Although, in reading this book I have learned that there are those far worse of then me. At least I can enjoy listening to music.
In chapter 14 the neurological condition of synesthesia is discussed. Basically synesthesia is a joining of the senses. For example, perceiving major second as bitter, or the number 5 smells like vomit. The funny thing about reading of this condition is I realize that I think I have it, or at least used to have it. I can definitely remember the letter d being blue and c being yellow. (Grapheme-color synesthesia) I used to also see the days of the week as having personalities. (Ordinal linguistic personification) Wednesday is boring, while Saturday is sleepy. I am describing this in condition in my case in past tense because I along the way I stopped thinking this way.
Perhaps when I regain this 'sense' I will regain some of my creativity. Which I feel was leached away with television waves. Perhaps some of it remains as I do have werid tricks to do with my memory. Perhaps Maya also has it as she seems to also have weird memory tricks and there is a familiar tendency. Does anybody else I am related to experience this?
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