Monday, March 31, 2008


I am reading Musicophilia by Dr. Oliver Sachs- a book about music and the brain. Franky, most of it is way over my head as it is about music. That is one subject that even if I work tremendously hard at I will never progress. I think it has something to do with my having no sense of rhythm and being tone deaf. Although, in reading this book I have learned that there are those far worse of then me. At least I can enjoy listening to music.
In chapter 14 the neurological condition of synesthesia is discussed. Basically synesthesia is a joining of the senses. For example, perceiving major second as bitter, or the number 5 smells like vomit. The funny thing about reading of this condition is I realize that I think I have it, or at least used to have it. I can definitely remember the letter d being blue and c being yellow. (Grapheme-color synesthesia) I used to also see the days of the week as having personalities. (Ordinal linguistic personification) Wednesday is boring, while Saturday is sleepy. I am describing this in condition in my case in past tense because I along the way I stopped thinking this way.
Perhaps when I regain this 'sense' I will regain some of my creativity. Which I feel was leached away with television waves. Perhaps some of it remains as I do have werid tricks to do with my memory. Perhaps Maya also has it as she seems to also have weird memory tricks and there is a familiar tendency. Does anybody else I am related to experience this?
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Heaven Bound

With Easter, and answering questions about the resurrection of Jesus it was natural to come up the conversation of salvation with Maya. She seemed to understand that Jesus died for your sins and you had to accept that and that you are sinner so you could go to heaven and not hell when you die. BUT she did not want to pray to accept Jesus. She hmmm and haad and when asked just didn't want to pray, we didn't push it but did offer to help her pray. Until one day she said she was ready to pray at bed time after Awana. So all day she talked about how she was going to accept Jesus in her heart.....and she did it!!!

We all hid under the covers and Luke and I took turns saying parts of a simplified sinners prayer with her. She isn't exactly a changed person but now she will participate in night time prayers and will say amen ( for some reason that freaked her out), but we can pray for that. Now she is rather eager for Ever to Jesus in his heart.


We have started the weaning process with Ever, which involves his first food. As he is six months, can sit up independently, does not thrust objects out of his mouth, has a strong urge to chew and is developing his pincher grasp we decided to start him. He has thus far ate sweet potatos, carrots, bananas, and applesauce. He is really getting used to the whole process and the texture of the food in his mouth as of yet. He is really getting small small amounts and mostly playing but it is ever so cute.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Dress

This year I slaved over a sewing machine to make an Easter dress for Maya. I used Amy Butler fabric from Quiters line in Markdale. Sooooooo much help from Erika at Petit Parfait. Today while picking up a bit more fabric to make a ruffle on the bottom the fabric rep from Amy Butler was actually in the store and loved the dress. Maya likes it too as I guess it was worth the frustration and time riping out seams.

Lesson learned the hard way- When riping open a button hole, use a needle to stabilize the fabric or else you rip a hole bigger then the button hole. Opps.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I knew it...

When Luke and I lived at the pit of hell, Rexdale, there was a municipal election. In one corner was a well spoken, organized, caring, experienced councilwoman woman seeking re election. In the other was a sweaty, rushed individual with MANY lawn signs. In the course of the election I actually had the opportunity to talk to both, so I knew then that that Rob Ford fellow happened to be able to win the election but really he is a loser. I think the masionic lodge had a part in is win...or the MANY lawn signs.

Monday, March 24, 2008

At the WaterPark

Some images from the waterpark for those of you not on facebook or pretend they aren't but log in under other peoples names...I'm not naming names but as I have said before..make your own profile or I will make one for you.
Anyways the water park, great family fun. Worth the money. Children of all ages can have fun.

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Oh dear..

I came to the realization the other day that on top of Maya learning her letters, the sounds they all make, phonics, how to actually read THEN she will have to learn to spell...oh dear.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Words to live by

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-13 (New Living Translation)
It is snowing again......I really do not know how much more of this I can take.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just Thinking

I am trying to pack and thinking gee my clothing selection is bordering on seriously depressing then I thought again.... nope IT IS seriously depressing.

Sewing News

Sewing lesson of the day...

Velvet is bad.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


What was I thinking taking the kids to a public swim on March break?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We are now the proud owners of two cars. They are siblings. They look remarkably similar but not quite the same. Different years, different colours, different models...but very close to us being very pathetic and completely uncool.

Sad that we don't have enough room for them both, one has to sleep in a snow bank.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Neither Maya nor I am morning people.

That's not working out so well.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Last night I was watching TV at the Bellamy house and saw a commercial for Cheese- Wiz. I just about threw up. Once I was invited to somebodies house for a special dinner..and they served Cheese-Wiz soup, so to be nice I ate it, I was sick for TWO days.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Maya really isn't liking her photo to be taken to often these days.
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Man enough to also sit in pink chairs

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I Like to Sit UP

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You're So Talented Mommy

Thanks to Amy Karol from Angry Chicken and her book Bend the Rules sewing I have made this sweet little sweater and woodlands elf hat from a old felted sweater of mine. Both are a little big but he should grow into them in a few days with his current rate of growth.
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Happy Birthday

It was Maya's doll Callie's Birthday (the one in the stroller), so of course we had to blow out candles for her. We are having tea on a Schylling set I got from Value village and was saving for a boring winter day. For those of you who have been to our home, the table does not belong in the living room but Maya took it upon herself to move it as the living room has more space for the party.
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

But you love him right??

When you get married, shouldn't it be to a person that you are totally in love with and absolutely the best thing ever is being with them and spending time? So I don't get it when women complain when all of sudden their spouse is at home more, 'getting in their way'. I mean I treasure the moments we are together as a couple and as a family. Even if we are not doing things together just knowing Luke is here is awesome.

So really if you are not prepared to spend, oh say a life together, just part ways.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Brownie Batter + Peanut Butter Chips = Yum

Yummy Brownies + Grey Weather + A baby that never sleeps = Anne needs to run alot.

March 5th

....and I finally took down the Christmas Cards today.