Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Death to Santa Claus

Anne and I are not going to do Santa Claus with Maya. We both think his entire purpose is commercial and in directed contrast to the true meaning of Christmas. We give presents at Christmas because that is what the wisemen brought baby Jesus, not because some fat guy dressed in ridiculous clothes brought us gifts because we were "good".

So thus, when I took Maya to the Early Years Centre yesterday and at circle time 80% of the songs were about Santa, and none has any religious anything in them, I grew a little irritable.
I just find the whole concept of Santa, and what he represents in this day and age, totally contrary to the Christian message and what we should be thinking about. And it causes all sorts of strife as well. Anne's sister, for instance, has renounced Christmas all together in her household, something clearly brought on by a Santa-centric society. They are not giving or receiving any presents, which is something I cannot blame them for considering how people and kids seem to act this time of year.
We even recently hear a parent admonishing her child, "You had better start behaving, Santa doesn't bring presents to bad little boys". Stuff like that really makes me mad.

So of course this brings up the whole problem of what an anti-Santa Maya will say to other kids.
For example:
Little boy: "Santa, brought me a new computer, I must have been really good!"
Maya: "Santa didn't bring you the computer, your parents did. Santa doesn't exist, stupid"
Little boy: "Does too, does too!" *cries* *runs away*

I hope to teach her a little diplomacy in this area so this doesn't happen. But it probably will, oh well. Obviously she knows about Santa now, but we will teach her what we think about it.
I think, overall, this will make Christmas easier for my family in the years to come.

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