Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Told with Permission....

Some of the Mennonites in our community have health cards and some don't. Thus they pay cash when seen by the doctor. At the hospital there is a hospital fee, and a physician fee. The hospital rate is around $350 and on top of that there is a fee the doctor sets on an individual basis. If a patient is seen at the medical clinic all the patient has to pay is the physician fee. Thus when an un insured person comes to the hospital we know they are quite ill.

However this story isn't about money but what the doctor accepts in place of cold hard cash.

We have a new doctor who is the softest fellow you ever met. Recently for a in- patient physician fee he asked four pies to be baked for the hospital staff. Apparently he has some summer sausage in his fridge and just the other day he noticed his belt needed a new hole.
Thus when payment was being discussed for a clinic visit he removed his belt and since he has no hammer or nails his fee is air.

Which is why there is a doctor at work with his pants being held up by gauze- well at least until they can pay.


Anonymous said...


Cupcake Girl said...

I love there are still some people out there willing to barter!

Doonst maybe said...

That's all well and good but has nothing to do with Around the Bay! I came here to read about your goals for Around the Bay!