Monday, March 05, 2012


What I hate... DOGS. ( Disclaimer- in my life I have liked Popcorn and Brew.)

What I really hate... little dogs.

What I can't stand... owners of little dogs.

I am sorry, but owning a little dog does not give you an allowance to bring it into the bank, the store, or the library. Some people may think a dog is cute. Yes some people may think children are cute. Some not.
The difference is, children are not allowed to jump on you with out severe punishments.

People of Hanover leave your stupid little dogs at home OR carry them in a carrier like the baby you think they are.

The picture is of the Mennonite church outside of Chelsey. Maya took it out of the window of the car. She now likes photography. Her technique might need a little work.
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West Grey Runner said...

And don’t forget those ER folks with Timmy’s!

Jann Arden said...

Off with your head!!