Monday, February 07, 2005

Out with the old and in with the New

To me a blog is a great way to keep in touch with peoples lives. I can quickly find out what is going on in the bloggers life with a quick glance which to me sort of creates a type of community amongst a group of people that might otherwise not have any reason to keep in touch. Sure, sometimes posts are mundane or boring and other times they can be riveting or interesting but in the end it's a journal and a window into someone's life that you often care for.
So when someone thinks their blog is a burden or crutch and deletes the whole thing with very little warning it really pisses me off and makes me sad at the same time. I'll leave it that.

That said, we had an empty spot in our links and have added our niece Courtney's new blog! Its like totally new! So u peps should like go visit it rite now, K. I g2g now cause we r going to watch the totally nu ep of Carnivale . OMGWTFBBQ

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