Tuesday, June 15, 2004


A couple of weeks ago we had the Ministry of Labour do an inspection of the hospital. The guy who did it was extremely thorough (i.e. paranoid) and took 3 days to get it done. Other hospitals in the area had an inspector there for half a day so you can see that we got the cranky one.
The one area that affects me that he reported on was the wiring around the computers. He said that "it was worst mess he had ever seen in any hospital ever", which of course is a total crock. Its no worse than any other hospital that I have ever been in. But for some reason that has been taken as gospel here and its my fault and so I have to somehow "fix" all of it, and before June 28th. Granted its not real bad in most spots but there a couple of areas where its pretty bad but its that way because of the design of the rooms.
So on top of implementing our new e-mail system and getting all of the network documentation together so the hosptial doesn't fall appart while I am away for July, I now have to deal with this retardation.
Why, oh why, is north america so paranoid about crap like this. Why can't people just be responsible for themselves!? I really don't think someone is going to get hurt or get a disease from a lump of cables behind a desk.
Just had to get that off of my chest.

What do your work places do about cabling? Is it neat and tidy and organized where you are?

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