Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Living with Anne.

I love Anne. Why? Because she is so unique and outspoken sometimes it hurts. How about examples?
1) Anne is passionate about bike helmets. Maybe because she works in emerg? Anyway the other day we are driving to my parents or something and were are on one of the back streets heading out of town. Ahead of us on the side of the road (the wrong side I might add) is 2 kids and 1 adult all on bikes. The 2 kids have helmets and the man does not. Most people might wrinkle a brow at this or shake their head if they disagree with the adult man's decision. What does Anne do? She stops the car abruptly beside the man, rolls down my window and yells, "WHY AREN"T YOU WEARING A HELMET!!" Then continues driving. Granted this hasn't happened with every non-helmeted person we side riding a bike but it was definitely an Anne moment.
2) Anne asked me no less than 3 times if I had made a post about the court thing and had a mentioned her breast feeding in court. I am sorry Jenn, I'm getting brainwashed over here. I counldn't not mention it, I would feel way to guilty.
3) We were going for a walk and we were walking past a house with a baby sitting in a window, it was maybe 6-9 months old. As we were walking past an parent handed the baby a bottle. Anne says loudly ( at last loud enough the people in the house could hear it), "Awwwwww, that poor baby has to drink from a bottle, that's soooo sad." Its not even that I disagree with her, its just that I would never think of doing that. But its all a day in the life of Anne.

I just don't think the world, or at least Hanover, could do without Anne. :)

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