Thursday, June 23, 2005

War of the Cat Jail

We may have mentioned in before, but across the street from us is a house of which the sole inhabitants are seven cats. That number has fluctuated over the last 3 years and has been up to 10 before. The cats all look pretty mangy and clearly inbred. There is no heating in the winter, and until recently there was no ventilation in the summer. It is basically a cat prison.
Once a day a man in a blue car comes and feeds them and does whatever else he needs to do to keep them alive and then leaves. He also tends to the yard and other little things.
The first year that Anne and I lived here we called around to find out what we could to help the cats. The local SPCA came a looked and said they couldn't really do anything because the cats basic needs are looked after and they don't appear to be abused. After they left the Crazy Cat Man (as we refer to him) left a note on the door of the cat prison chastising his "Nosy neighbor's" and saying how he loves the cats, blah blah blah. But he also parked a car in the driveway (which hasn't moved since)to make the house look more lived in.
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I mentioned the situation to one of the councilors in town I know becuase the cats were sweltering in that bad heat. A week later an SPCA officer shows up at our door asking some questions. She asks for the cars license plate so they can track the guy down. She then leaves a ticket on the door of the cat prison, which you have to respond to in 24 hours. That evening when the Crazy Cat Man comes he opens all the windows for ventilation and leaves a note on the door addressed to the "Buzy-Bodies" about how he looks after the cats etc.. But apparently he doesn't phone back the SPCA. He also spends most of the next 3 days in the house do something. Maybe making the house look lived in?
So a couple of days later they leave another ticket, saying the cats are going to be taken in 24 hours if he doesn't respond. They are not impressed by the note on the door which has changed since the original note. The Crazy Cat Guy comes by later and then leaves a note for the SPCA saying how he tried to contact them and his partner is in the hospital and sob sob sob.
Since then not much has happened. According to the SPCA, they still have to talk to him personally and they haven't. Nothing has changed at the cat jail either, other than the ventilation. But apparently the Town in interested in finally doing something about this, so hopefully in a week or so we can report a resolution to the war.
It is kind of fun though spying on the house and seeing what notes and stuff he has left.

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