Monday, June 27, 2005

Christian Bale Movie Night

So, two Christian Bale movies in 2 weeks eh?

Last night my brother and I went to see Batman Begins. I had been reading so many post on the Shack about how great it was, "best superhero movie ever", "I want its baby", etc, so I had to go and see it in the theatre like a respectable member of society.
It was awesome. One of the best movies I have seen this year. Bale was great as Batman and I found the rest of the cast quite enjoyable too.
PostDINK Rating: A

Lask week Anne and I watched Bale in the movie, The Machinist. It was quite enjoyable as well, but for entirely different reasons. The movie just flowed quite well and had an interesting story. We just slowly figured out what his problem was an the ending was quite satisfying. Oh and Bale was insanely skinny in it, like 119 lbs skinny. He put on about 50 pounds of right after filming this to be Batman. Crazy actors
PostDINK Rating: A

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