Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I can't believe it has come and gone so fast. I guess this year its especially hectic for us with Maya and all. Its weird to think that last year we didn't ever imagine it being our last one alone. To Maya it was like every other day; sleep, wake, eat, poop, sleep, poop again, repeat. Next year will be quite different everyone tells us.
So we slept in till Noon or so (obviously with occasional wake ups to feed Maya) and had pancakes for breakfast. Anne and I only exchanged stockings this year and so present giving was on the cheap. We were both pleased with what we got each others. Then it was off to Meaford to visits Anne's parents and her mom's side of the family. We had a good time got supper at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Chris's house.
Tomorrow we go to my mom and dads place for my side of the families celebrations.
I am sick though, just a cough and my head. UGH

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