Sunday, November 16, 2003

The Storm
So the area was hit pretty hard by that storm on Thursday. Goderich (a town that's pretty close) record winds up to 120 km and hour!
And it was quite snowy here at the time so it made looking outside very interesting. There are still big drifts all over the place even though we have had 3 consecutive days above zero degrees.
At work we were supposed to have software demos from 2 different companies. Needless to say they couldn't make it. Hanover only lost power twice for not more than 10 minutes. Our wide area network was out for half the day though which sucked.
I was talking to a co-working whose husband does hydro and he was still working all through the night Saturday to get stuff up in running. I guess along highway 21 at Kincardine and south of there it was very very bad. Point Clarke was "like a war zone" With huge trees and hydro lines all over the place. They couldn't even get down most streets to fix stuff due to the trees.

Driving here in town on unplowed streets was a total blast though :)

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