Today the boy is six, which apparently, according to him means he can sleep alone tonight. He is having a sleep over tonight at his best friends house... I hope his mother enjoys the snuggles.

A snoopy little boy found his present of a scooter yesterday. But I totally lied and told him it was for a poor little boy in Hanover. I made him cry. It was in his room when he woke up. I am 100% the best mother EVER. He told me he knew it was a trick but that's what you get for snooping!

Creativeness was limited to a home made piñata, cause good parents make their own. It is a one eye alien spider. As a side note, paper Mache is best made with white flour. Whole grain spelt is go for tummies and not for pasting. Of course, I also made the snake cake. Ever ate the head.

I suggested birthday hair cut...
He had a little party, four other boys. Activities included water balloon attack on Luke, throw eggs at Anne's car, and see how far home made paper airplanes can fly off the roof.
There was a lot of junk food today, and he is rather grumpy, but he is at his other family tonight so it is good.