Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013

Today the boy is six, which apparently, according to him means he can sleep alone tonight.  He is having a sleep over tonight at his best friends house... I hope his mother enjoys the snuggles.

A snoopy little boy found his present of a scooter yesterday. But I totally lied and told him it was for a poor little boy in Hanover. I made him cry. It was in his room when he woke up. I am 100% the best mother EVER. He told me he knew it was a trick but that's what you get for snooping!

Creativeness was limited to a home made piñata, cause good parents make their own. It is a one eye alien spider. As a side note, paper Mache is best made with white flour. Whole grain spelt is go for tummies and not for pasting. Of course, I also made the snake cake. Ever ate the head.

I suggested birthday hair cut...

He had a little party, four other boys. Activities included water balloon attack on Luke, throw eggs at Anne's car, and see how far home made paper airplanes can fly off the roof.

There was a lot of junk food today, and he is rather grumpy, but he is at his other family tonight so it is good.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I just want to snuggle you!!!!

The boy is just about six.
The boy can not go go to sleep by himself.
The boy can not spend a night alone in his bed.

We have tried every which way to remedy the situation. NOTHING WORKS.  It is 1130 and he is screaming in absolute anger and frustration that somebody HAS TO snuggle him.
It is 3:32 and he slyly trying to sneak into our bed to wiggle between us and rub his feet so softly against our legs.

Not looking for advice, nor any told you so about 'spoiling 'him with the family bed, cause we are happy with how we parent him. It is just his affection quota is really high.

Really just want everybody to know that 12-15 odd years Luke and I will be going away to collage again. Might be a little crowded in his dorm room, and when he brings a girl home that might be rather awkward, but at least we will know he is getting a good nights sleep.
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ripped knees

Ever is a rough and tumble boy. He gets dirty and his clothes do take a beating, thus he is lucky boy when his clothes do not come from the thirft store. Thankfully I also have some sewing skills so his pants can be worn more than once. On occation he has been known to wear pants with holes in the knees before I have gotten a chance to mend. 
On Wednesday his pants were ragged in the knees, and one of the ankles had gotten caught in his bike chain, but they were clean, and making him change after he has gotten dressed in the morning is rather painful.

Today, apparently he went to school with navy shorts with a rip in the bum which quite nisly showed off his red underwear. Apparently unnoticed by his father.

And apparently a school volenteer gave him pants from the lost and found while he was out for recess an went home to fix them.

Unsure if I should feel grateful or offended. In any event Luke is to pay closer attention to what the children wear to school and I am to pay closer attention   to my meding pile.