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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I also have serger envy, soo many projects would just look better if I had a serger.
These jammies are the kids Christmas jammers. Minor problem with the neck. In fact and to use my little ripper friend for their heads to go in. Think I might have to completely re -do the tops as related to non- stretch properties of flannel.
Lusting over at the years best Burda sewing.
Party Dress
Monday, December 26, 2011
Admittedly I have some problems getting anything physical done this time of year. Thus I am in the first third of a 30day running streak. Basically I must do a run every single day -no breaks. Ok it doesn't have to be a long run, in fact the shortest distance can be 2km. That's the standard I set for myself. Not always easy but at least it is something.
Oh and I thought of a great trail running quote they other day...
..If I can see where I'm going, I don't want to go there.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Hanukhah
And here is our family photo in front of the Christmas tree
. One really should notice the phallic looking pig angel ornament. Ever has his cape around his neck. Luke refused to take the picture when we had people over to take the photo so the camera was balanced on a pillow and a book on top of a rolling chair. Meanwhile, Maya was crying cause she wanted to to be in charge of the whole operation and pose us in artful positions. Luke's goatee is getting greyer by the day. AND if the bags under my eyes and the craters around my mouth get any bigger the locum Doctor that's does 'restorative' medicine on the side will do me pro bono.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I am always telling Maya of the evils of things produced in China, and how the Dollar store is the pit of all evil as everything there is produced in china.
Thus I hastily peel of a sticker of a present purchased not in a dollar store but an upscale store that bears the mark of the beast... MADE IN CHINA.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Secret Santa
The other day I received mine in the mail. I had asked for running music play lists and boy did I get them! Current favorite playlist, cds of all time favorites, and even an itunes gift card. Apple will not know what to think of me, buying stuff...Unheard of!!! Also got a lifetime of Christmas letters (my kinda person!) Chocolate- long gone, a buff ( which I really needed.) And a head warmer- re gifted item. (LOVE re-purposed stuff)
Now all I gotta do is send mine out...after I get it organized...after I stock my person some more.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Strip at Night- Las Vegas Half 2011
There is a group of us who run training runs together, start races together, and some random chatter came from someone who thought it would be fun to run the strip at night, and it actually happened cause somebody was organized enough to see that it wasn't just random chatter. Sooo if I was going to Vegas, I didn't want to go without Luke and if Luke wanted wanted to go, he had to run a race while he was there. Initially, I wanted to run the full marathon but as they only allotted 6000spots for the full, it sold out back in September. Thus, I was running the half with Luke. I committed to running the entire 21k with him.
There were seven of us running the race, one volunteer and one spectator. We all went to the expo on Saturday morning. Us and about 30 000 other. I had been looking forward to seeing some products that are hard to come by in Canada, and was hoping for a few American prices, but it was crazy insane time. I did manage a desperately needed new bra and met the author of this book, made an idiot of myself and bought a signed copy.
Was hoping for a fully stocked swag bag....umm not to much. There was a cheapo headlamp and we were lucky and actually got a shirt, as I hear they ran out later in the day.
So Sunday evening came, and we suited up in our matching caveman/ flint stone/ Tarzan and Jane costumes. I knew it was going to be a little busy when at 2:30 there were a ton of people already at the race site. Due to a little logistical nightmare that almost ended our marriage we were trying to park our car at the race site- North end of the strip and could not get a spot, nor could we get a spot at ANY parking lot. All casinos and parking lots were closed and locked tight. ...and thus begins the problems we experienced at the race.
We arrive back at the race site a couple hours later and for this little country gal from Bruce County... I have never seen so many people, and I have been to a Billy Graham Crusade. Between the half and the full there are around 44000 people. Of course we have to pee, and actually have no trouble finding a portapotti- we just looked for the non obvious location and there wasn't even a line . Felt sorry for the poor suckers waiting 20deep.
This race had an honer system of corrals at the start line. Basically when you registered you indicated your expected finishing time and you were assigned to a corresponding corral. I had put down a 1:45 time thus was to be in the fourth corral. Luke had put around 2hours and was to be in the 13th. However as a group from Hanover we all wanted to start together so we all seeded ourselves in the slowest of the group 2:30 or the 22nd corral.... and that was our mistake. The main issue was we were soooo cold waiting for the waves to go off. I had not thought at all about throw away clothes and I like to run almost naked so it was pretty cold huddling in 5degree weather in shorts. I was desperate and I called out to anybody wanting to get rid of mitts I would be happy to take them. A fellow in front of me gave a hot pocket and I was in bliss. Eventually we started moving towards the start line and I had a practically wrestle a volunteer for a jacket thrown on the ground they were cleaning up so fast.
Once we crossed the start line I thought things would open up a bit, ummm nope, once we went 5k I thought things would open up a bit, ummm nope, once we were past 10k...ummm nope. It was ridiculous. I mean we were supposed to be around 2:30- there has to be running at that pace! Sure there can be 5-10:1 but there has to be some running!!! Unfortunately, the majority of the race we were surrounded by walkers. It was ridiculous, walkers from the get go right in front of us. And the sure mass of people. I am sorry but the race course just simply could not have handled anymore. We were packed in their like sardines. It was so crazy, I just wanted Luke to be able to open up and run- instead he was on the defensive the entire race trying to go in between people and not lose each other. Sure we should have started in a higher corral but all over people are saying that even in the upper corrals there were walkers from the get go. Luke's time ended up being 2:31:19- which is dramatically slower than what he is capable of doing. I think in an open course he could have done 2:05- 10.
We started slow and finished fast, at the end Luke was doing 5:15ks and we were flying by people....and I was along for the ride. I ran ahead to get water for Luke and bring it to him. I told him when to take gels. Just as an after thought I brought some. Thank goodness I did as there was no sugar drink on course- apparently they ran out. Nothing new on race day eh, why not try a untested gel. Anyways, I also was the comic relief. Made a race out of the port a potty visit. 14 seconds. Seriously what are people doing in there???? Yelled out random stuff, "All right mile 8, whatever that means," "Yippee,it is a tattoo parlor beside the Lily of the valley wedding chapel
Now I know lots of people got sick from the water, we were fine but my major issue had to due with the lack of music on course. That's right, a rock in roll marathon was stone cold quiet. Luke even wished he had his ipod! Honestly there were not that many bands, and when we did see a set up nobody was playing.
We cross the finish line, immediately grind to a stop. We did manage to get medals apparently they ran out, and I took over for Miss Alabama and put Luke's medal on myself. Then there was anger, Luke started yelling cause he couldn't move, and cause I had temporary put my iphone in my bra. I am trying to calm him down while possibly holding up the line cause 'gasp' I wanted a space blanket and a green banana. Was so intensely cold and desperately trying to hold on to stuff, and to keep Luke from freaking out. Apparently, when I finish races I am quiet and frustrated and Luke is loud and angry.
We didn't even think of going into the host Hotel where all the drama happen, we just wanted to get back to our hotel....which was 3.5k away...and it started raining...It was raining in the desert and we were there for it. Less than ideal for Luke's first half marathon, notice I didn't say last. He wants to try again, but maybe not in Vegas.
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